Monday, March 26, 2012

Mob Rules And The Greater Good.

Change is in the wind, a fragrance of something is in the air and I can't tell if it's the smell of freedom or a new coming force of control...

We defiantly are living in some amazing times, people are slowly waking to the fact that this world is becoming something less the stable and people are now on the war path to correct it. A=re we all just jumping before we leap or is there a game plan somewhere in the mix. Are we really in control of the coming revolution or is the powers that be the ones pulling the strings. Seeking to gain control for our greater good, before we harm ourselves any further.

I understand you want to make change and I understand that if we don't start doing things quick we will lose what little hold we have now on this world, but forcing people to follow or jumping with mob mentality will not solve anything. Look at right now, there are 5000 soldiers seeking to wipe kony and his band of rebels off the planet because you have decided in your peaceful ways that killing this man is for the greater good.

Now I want you to understand the statement the greater good or Utilitarianism which is defined as an ethical theory holding that the proper course of action is the one that maximizes the overall "happiness". It is thus a form of consequentialism, meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined only by its resulting outcome, and that one can only weigh the morality of an action after knowing all its consequences.

Isn't this the same bullshit idea that the powers that be have always held over us, forcing beliefs for the greater good. Forcing ideas of war in the name of democracy, forcing us to only hear one side of the story and expecting it to be true. Is becoming them a better way to change this world, is really one persons paradise another persons hell, well for me it is.

Fighting for change is one thing, fighting you fellow man for change is just slavery in a pretty bow. It is time to stop with the hate against the forces that be, We need to stand strong in our solidarity with our fellow man. Embrace those who want to hold us down with love. You keep hitting back and they will always think your attacking them. We need the police the army and the 53%. We need the lefts and the rights to work together and stop stuffing opinions down our fuckin throats. Let us be. Let us take the fight away and give them something other then violence to face. Give love, give love to those who need it, give love to those who believe that we are the enemy, if we hand out love then many of those people will see that we are not the problem. That the problem lies within the hands of those who seek force.

They are seeking you to follow or to be scared, to give away your freedom for the greater good. However control is never good, no matter what side the bars you are on. The world is now set with millions of people standing on soap boxes screaming change, it's hard to listen when everyone is talking at once. Let us start listening to each other, let us put the notion away that one person can solve the entire worlds problems and all work on it together. Go hug a cop, go tell a soldier that even thou you might not agree with the actions of their bosses, it's nothing against them You just don't believe in dropping bombs for peace. 

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