Sunday, March 10, 2013

For it is Sunday, let it be Riddled with Holes.

How long shall I sit here staring at this white page, I guess it it has been awhile. Trying to reflect on my weekly events when they have been so silent as of lately, makes it almost impossible to share anything remotely interesting. It is Sunday after... All I see is the nightmare of the screen. Being stuck unable to walk properly, I have had very little options to take my walks or work. Feeling like that Hitchcock movie, Rear Window, Only this time I am watching TV. Tired of the net, seen so many sites, read so many opinions, and trolled with the best of them. I sit around now making memes while reading comedy or watching Justin TV. I mean Television nowadays itself  is not really entertaining, more of a visible train wreck. Anything for a cheap laugh or painful expression. Famous and Infamous are truly two different things, well they use to be. Now we parade other peoples faults on the daily news, selling scandal on every page at the checkout line. Cutting down on one, while trying to push anti-bullying on the other. Redundant. I guess I could talk about some of my interests.

Today's Interests are brought to you by Steampunk...


If you don't know what Steampunk is then it might be hard to explain. What I have seen and read, it means many things to many people. For some it is art, images of the past built with the beauty of clockwork. Everything connected in perfect harmony. For others it is style. Not cosplay where the person wears a costume, the dress is classic designs from all years, built into a classic look.  I love the style. Myself, I have always loved Gears and History, and tire of wearing the same old jeans and shirts all the time. Looking like everyone else is great if you want to be like everyone else, I like to be me and that me feels older then dirt. There are many sites that are dedicated to this lifestyle, many different walks. I just love the romance in it, the mingling of past and future. And again gears. Some are jewelry artists, the styles range from many different types of creative materials to workable machines.

The beauty in the lines, the clean flow. The Art is amazing. I love the clothing style.

Even Prada decided to do their own line of Steampunk clothing, however if you are like me, Prada is a little out of my price range. I have found a bounty of sites that offer the same styles, without the hefty cost. I would share them, however they are handmade and sell out quick. So sorry but...

In music I randomly found a group called Viza , while trying to find something new to listen to. I guess Serj Tankian is helping them to get known globally. I understand since the music is very Armenian, with hints of Russian and American. They have been out for awhile and after listening to both Made In Chernobyl and Maktub I admit I am a fan. Music with spirit and meaningful lyrics get me every time. Other then that we still are at the same path, one chasing roads of gold and lies lies many more lies. I just tire of being a broken record. So I will leave you with this video, enjoy it or not, that is up to you.

And maybe some writings of the past, let me see what I can dig up, something that suits my mood. Maybe it's the moon...

Cold aggression deep rooted stares,
rotten hearts living without care.
Sensible tree's giving out shade,
laying in slumber surrounded by blades.

Staring at steeples, it's closed minded view.
Creating wars in the actions that we do.
Television teaching unrealistic thought,
brainwashing our children and the morals we taught

Speaking of war and the blindness it leads
soldiers have died but the country was freed.
The war was already won, they had to send in your young.
To clean up the mess remember we won?
We wave and salute and then vote yet another tyrant.
Another four years, let's all sit back and admire.

Lets break from these men with lies in both hands
Time to let someone in who can stand.
Bring it back to equality and right.
Don't bring the ammo, give up that fight.
Stop stepping on souls to make yourself high.
Use kindness to brighten the sky.
Bring knowledge and share it with all.
Within our hands we can create. 

Man I was cheesy....

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