Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Morning Thoughts 13/01/2013

Sitting, watching the world shake through my computer screen as my coffee gets cold. And another Sunday with you.

Don't get all excited thou, if the wife was here, I would be having coffee with her. Instead it is you... Actually I enjoy my quiet Sundays, news in the background reminding me how crazy this world is getting. Dog beside me, still too lazy to go outside. Time ticking slowly, like a bomb about to explode in an action movie. Tick then an hour goes by. The weather is crisp today, fingers chilled from my small walk. The colors amazing, blues and hints of subtle grey. The air a lovely taste of the ocean, the smell of cold pine drifts. So what are the thoughts of the world today...


In Twitter trends we see the usual sports and idol worship. Corporate produced bands singing and shaking for the masses, as album sales spike. Touchdowns for Jesus, and all that jazz. Not my cup of tea mind you, I prefer coffee. News inciting fears of global proportions, just take the flu shot, you really need the flu shot. Have you had your flu shot? You'll be fired if you don't take you flu shot. I think it would be better for all of us if you would just shut the fuck up, and stop telling us we need toxic chemicals dumped into our bodies. I am not Anti-Science I am Anti-Experiment. I will not be another white mouse for their twisted poking and prodding. Between the chemicals in the water, the sludge in the air and the man made food on the table. There isn't much contact between the earth and many of us. They keep cutting the ties to our global consciousnesses, our united mind. Forcing the mother away from her children, brings extreme separation anxiety. On facebook news I have nothing... Don't care, just don't care.

In picture of the week, I have found this one pretty cool


And This One...

Other then that we have Wars and More wars. The rise of new wars is becoming not much table talk, just like whatever. How Boring... Plagues of short sided love fanatics, pushing global unity by the hands of new age self proclaimed gurus. Uprising fears of gun control has Merica buying up all those self propelled rock launchers to get rid of those pesky squirrels. Or flag burning socialists and everyone else who doesn't think like them. The frankensalmon has not run upstream yet, however the green light is sure to go. I mean isn't everyone being paid by Monsanto? Oh right, that's just conspiracy. Corporations don't control the government, That's Just Crazy... We still are fighting against each other as people starve, lose their homes and live in a abusive environment. Homelessness isn't going away by ignoring it, charging more for rent is only creating more. The prices are too damn high, we are sucking at straws to keep our head above water. If their plan is making us all broke, then it's going as planned. Have you sold your gold for cash yet? 

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