Monday, January 7, 2013

Controlled Revolutions

I see they are using Audits to shake up the Idle No More Movement, using faults to shake up the people. Making Canada draw the line on the separation/racism that their Government has been inflicting on them for many years.  They have us at each others throats, while they rape and pillage our lands. So we don't go broke like everyone else in the world. Now thou, they are using our anger to push a hidden agenda, to divide us even further while instilling fear of change to an already stable country. They want us fighting over racism which they created themselves. Inequality in living conditions, taxes, language and money. Any parent will tell you that favoring one child will instill resentful feelings within the other. And you really want to talk about racism? You're all racist. All my life I have heard the shit that comes out of all your mouths, and its not good. I can tell you first hand as I was accepted in both cultures, that both of you talk trash about the other. For what being born in a body you had no choosing of color, or location and lineage? Really? We are all fucking people, people. The only real separation is how we treat each other. Color shouldn't have to matter with basic human rights for all. We all want the same things. Safety, security for our family. To be able to eat without forced slavery. Being treated like a human and not a number. To break these walls of ignorance and show each other that we are all the same. That we all matter. Within our insecurities, they make us feel small. Unable to do or change anything. Don't believe it. If we just looked at each other and say we understand, shake a hand or hug then look who really is at fault. Who really is starving us while they get fat off the riches. Put down the guns, batons, vendetta mask and riot shields and start working together to get the snakes out of office. These people are designing a policed world in their own image. One of chains. While they are still in power, this is still their game.

Art By se7en

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