Sunday, May 27, 2012

How do you take your coffee?

Good Morning, seems like it has been awhile since we last talked. Well I talked you listened, your kinda like my therapist (you poor souls you) Things have been interesting, the world seems to be getting darker as much as those seeking to be light are blinded by the world around them. This isn't good. Balance. Everything must serve balance. Without those laws things become chaotic.

If your asking yourself so what, I can't do anything then I guess it is true then. you can do anything, all you really need to do is believe it. However giving it up before even trying seems like a bigger waste of energy. Put down the books and forget your worries, enjoy today while remembering that someone else's will be tomorrow. We may only have one life to live but we can't ruin it for everyone else.

Life has always been about survival, the quest to bring light, warmth and comfort to those who live in the dark. Now it is about exploiting those we were sworn to protect.

Really it isn't that hard maybe you should try it...

Before I get really preachy I am going to pour another cup of coffee and regain my thoughts. Must stay positive. It is hard thou when I watch the news all the time... Well how about a morning song...

I tend to get preachy, my heart hurts. Seeing the violence and destruction of something so beautiful make me a little disheartening. I mentioned the news but I don't feel like mentioning it, read something about faces being eaten and I already lost my appetite. Ok Coffee...

I guess there is something I read in the news that was exciting. Dr Rodney Herring from the university of Victoria's advanced microscopy devision, has invented a microscope that can  see 20 million times larger then the human eye. This microscope will revolutionize everything from medical advancements to faster computers with tiny microchips. It also has many implications for new energy ideas. Even my own designs for renewable energy may be possible but that has been my lifetimes work.

Well I am off to make it another amazing day, Peace and Love for all of you who read this. We are all amazing, you are amazing. Don't let these assholes bring you down, you are better then that. Love and be loved, that is hard to do when alone I know. I was once alone for all my life. Now I have let others in. It took awhile to trust again, but now I know what to expect. Anything...

Well you beautiful powerful people, go make the best out of today. you are beautiful, handsome, cute, adorable and magical. We are humanity after all, we fought worse then this before. I even believe many of you remember that, energy never goes away.

I remember being dirt...

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