Thursday, March 22, 2012

All For The Children...

Isn't it amazing what we will do for the children, how we stand together to help those who can't help themselves. When children are in desperate times we are there to help. What happens thou when Governments use this to their advantage, when they use our emotions to pull the heart strings to support whatever cause they are supporting. When freedom is lost in the name of security.

I know this blog is a few days late, I've never been one to jump on the bandwagon without looking first at all truths. Today thou this talk is about for the children. Not just about the protection but the means we are willing to do to protect those that matter most.

For the last few months we have seen many changes all created in protecting the children. From Canada's Steven Harper's introduced crime bill that gives the police the right to invade your Computer system without warrant to the Kony 2012 and the campaign to bring the attention needed for the children of Africa. Is these the right heartstring to pull, will America begin another war that has been waging for the last few years anyways. Will we let the government into our homes and computers to show we have nothing to hide...

Now the question I have for you is how much should we give for the children to be protected? I will tell you a story and we will see how far the rabbit hole the issue goes.

About three months ago a friend of mine posted a news article about a group of people who created a fan page on facebook on how to pick up young girls. I guess the people who made it were past their teens and clearly stated on the front of the page that "This is for satire only". The article stated that they wanted to charge these people on the grounds that they are promoting child abuse. Well his friends were all up in arms about this, it almost sounded like a witch hunt and even before seeing if she floats they were already to burn those involved. Well lo and behold there comes me questioning the motives of arresting these people without first doing a crime. I kept asking if this is only written then what damage have they really done. Well all of a sudden I was attacked by mob mentality. Everyone was accusing me of siding with the pedophiles, and that I was sick. I was fuckin lost (and it still bothers me today) I was floored that I was being attacked like this, is not a person innocent before guilty, let alone writing about a crime that was never committed. I kept asking them, should we not also arrest V.C. Andrews for incest, or how about Steven King for countless murder. Or even Stephanie Meyer for single handedly ruining the image of Vampires forever...

Well after numerous attacks and threatening remarks of ignorance and pedophile jokes I finally gave up called them a bunch of Ignorant people and unfollowed the post. Now was I in the wrong, did my actions warrant the attack I got?

When it comes to the children I understand that it is hard to protect them, however is adding more security going to help things, will that not just make people more ignorant to their surrounding thinking that someone will help, and as long as they keep their eyes down they wont be in the wrong. Will more cameras take away the idea of watching out for each other.

Now the reason why I mentioned Kony was for one small reason...
You can't fight for the safety of children while your own country is killing children in another name.

Please understand I am not standing up for the writers of that site, I am standing up for every writer who will eventually write something that will offend many. And showing you that mob mentality will never solve problems if you're not thinking about them first.

My Opinion is pretty simple, if we don't start looking after each other then the walls will only get higher. And the higher the walls the more cameras we will need to see over them. No matter how bad this world gets, we should not have to trade our individual rights to protect someone that only needs two eyes watching. Yes I understand that we can't be watching all the time, but ignoring the situation will never help. Let us protect the children by protecting ourselves. Let love be the light, not fear to bring in the darkness. In my opinion thou it's already too late. We have signed over our freedom a long time ago and now facing the consequences of our actions. The storm is coming, we just need to remember that we're are all scared. Together thou we will walk out ok.

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