Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rebuilding a Sunday Dream...

When you think of dreams what do you imagine? Do you see yourself sailing the seven seas, climbing the highest peaks or exploring strange lands and meeting a new set of worldly people? For me when I close my eyes and think about my dreams, I image a large sustainable building, part kitchen, part classroom. With suits on the side ranging from three to single. Low income with gardens and plants growing on walls. Rain collection systems and solar powered backups. I see children playing in the grass, families planting the years harvest for the community to share. Workers banded together to help build themselves up, and a community to match.

My dreams involve profit sharing companies, where no one is the big boss and we all share in the profit and the woes. Where we all can reach our highest heights and climb together for the bettering of us all. Classrooms teaching upgrading for those who suffer with a lower education, fine smells coming from the community kitchen as people gather for laughs and fine foods and a little wine to end the day. A stockpile of clothes and dry foods for those who need some hardship, free internet and (for those who want cable to match) with planned movie nights and documentaries.

These are only parts of my dreams and will one day be more then a smile on my face, this will become my reality. A future designed for the next generation. Where people help build their own homes so pride and joy can be had from the moment they move in. With all profit is set to build another, set to gather all of us for storm or sunny day. We do work better together.

For now I am looking for designers to help me with my cause, to help me design my dream on paper so I can show it to another. My heart is easy to see through my eyes but my dream will look so much better in a picture. All I know is that this dream is becoming reality, this will be my goal to raise it to the roof. To help and to lift, to be more then another person looking out for himself. I myself just can't understand the get rich and die rich mentality. Would we all not prosper with the right helping hands, a place of open lands. Where we are not dragged down by the bills of corporations set to enslave our spirit and our pride in darkened homes with cheap walls to save a few bucks. To change  unity to become a real world. I am going to close my eyes and start imagining a welcoming home, I hope your Sunday is full of good spirits and love.

For right now I am seeking a smile so I can sell my dream...

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